Tuesday, September 28, 2010

One less.

*This is part of a new song Matthew West wrote on adoption and the story behind it.

Not so long ago I wrote that I had no idea where God was taking us with the foster care situation. We were starting to shy away from it. I asked Jason how sure he was that we were done having kids including adopting. He said 100%. We were done. A little sad, but *wink wink* I just so happen to know God sometimes, uses that never and turns it into forever.
About a month ago we were sent some pictures of some orphans to pray for. Madalyn picked out one particular little girl out of 7 or 8. She asked if we could bring her home. I laughed and said no. But the eyes of this incredibly beautiful girl burned a hole in my heart.
I inquired about her so Madalyn could be praying. Turns out she wasn't even available to be adopted because she had been sold to marry a much older man when she turned 14. Little miss nosey read my email before me and I had to explain this horrific story to my 11 year old. I told her God put this on her heart so she could intercede on her behalf for safety and love. Well that is exactly what she did. She even asked a friend at school to pray. A few days later I received a call that this little girl had been set free from a life I can't ever imagine. God used the prayers of two 11 year old girls to do a mighty work.
I showed Jason her picture that night and he immediately without reservation said we can't leave her there. With one glance at a far away photo he was 100% sure she was our daughter. It was the same feeling when we saw Shaun's picture, he was ours and we would do anything to get him home.
I have no idea when I will ever be able to hug my child, but she is ours. We are trusting God that He will bring home. There are still months of paper work to be done, but there is NO doubt in my mind she will come home. There is an unexplainable peace I have.
I am asking you to join Madalyn and our family in interceding on the behalf of our daughter. Paper work needs to be approved quickly, hearts need to be softened, rules may have to be broken. I believe in miracles. I believe we have a God who can do anything and I have never felt so strongly that this is going to be a story that changes lives and hearts for generations.