Friday, May 6, 2011

If you go back and look at this blog from the beginning until now, you will say, "wow, Christine is not normal, she's certifiably CrAzY!". We have planned and deliberated back and forth, back and forth. Here is an update from crazy town.
Liberia: We have not spoken to Sundayma in 6 weeks. We have not been able to get in contact with her, but have spoken briefly with the woman who takes care of her. Things are getting a bit muddy there and we don't see anything happening anytime soon. There will be a change in political offices in October and this may or may not be in our favor. We just have to wait. We have considered moving there temporarily, building an orphanage there, and visiting there. All of these doors seem to be closing right now.
Adopting Domestically: We are working with an agency in Florida to adopt an infant, but again we just have to wait. They have all of our paperwork and when/if a family chooses us they will call us.
A NEW door! We have also been looking into adopting from the foster care system. Because of the ages of our kids we are cautious with what we are considering and what we are capable of offering. Every thing we have inquired about has so far not worked out.
We also are in the process of starting the non-profit. The Refuge. We had the intention of using this to build in Liberia, but now are questioning that. God is always our Refuge and we are exploring several options of how we can walk hand in hand with Him in providing Refuge for orphans domestically and internationally.
We know that someday we may walk away from all of this. We also know that we will look back and say, "wow, God's timing really is perfect. We learned so much about yourselves, God's word and who He wants us to be!" We just found out Shaun probably has asthma. He has to use a nebulizer twice a day for 15 minutes until we get some answers. I was just thinking I sure am glad we don't have a baby yet. I am home schooling all 3 of the girls this fall and starting some kindergarten with Hailey while Shaun soaks it all in! I'm excited and definitely a little nervous. Our lives are constantly evolving and I trust 100% that God has everything under control.
We aren't the type to sit around. Just because God has everything under control doesn't mean we sit and wait for something to show up on our doorstep. We have to be active in knocking and seeking. We are open to anything, we are pursuing everything cautiously and prayerfully. Please continue to keep our journey in your prayers. One day we will all look back at this blog and will be awe struck by the amazing things God has done!