Sunday, January 8, 2012

Random thoughts... Some deep... Some not.

We have had a wonderful trip. Denver with Uncle Sean and Aunt Korynn, the amazing city of New Orleans, a visit with Aunt Beth, Disney World, the beach with Abi, Legoland with Grammy and Poppa, finally seeing where Jason's brother and family live, and Nashville with good friends in 12 days! I'm tired, but have loved every moment. School has been scarce, but my kids have had plenty of education on this trip. Swamps, historical buildings, war heroes, learning to use maps, the list goes on and on! I am so grateful God has provide our family these opportunities I love to travel!
Things I've learned, observed and thought about...

*apparently it's ok to push small children and women carrying babies at Disney World.
* Never go to Florida in the winter without hats, gloves and down jackets.
* people are who they are, accept them and love them.
*Krispie Kreme is nasty, really nasty.
*Towels will never dry outside in Florida
* I can't wait to go back to New Orleans, I love that place!
*Laughing at angry, almost teenagers is a BAD idea.
On a more serious note. I observed a lot of retirees in Florida, nice cars, big RV's, tan skin. All things I'd love to have some day. There has definitely been talk of early retirement in our house. We started out early, we ought to end early right? To each their own of course, but I'm not willing to just waste my time for 20 years. I wonder how many of us have 5, 10, 15 year plans. A plan to acquire money, things and time. Do any of our plans include giving, helping, serving or changing lives.
Changing lives? Do you know smiling at someone can change their LIVES? Buying someone coffee, taking the time to really care how they are doing, spending $30 a month to feed and educate a child, being a mentor, volunteering. Obviously my passion is adoption and loving kids. I know it may not be your passion. I challenge you to find your passion. Big or small, put changing a life in your plan.